The Best Isolation/ Vibration Footers per component - what's your experience?

Hi everyone,

There are probably a dozen of threads out there on Isolation/ Vibration footers out there, but there hasn't been thus far one been that combines the following two assumptions:

1. Isolation/ Vibration effectiveness differs per type of component (from source to speaker).
2. The above with Most Popular brands available as per July 2020.

Some of the most recognised brands thus far:
  • Arya Audio
  • Artesania Audio
  • Aurios
  • Black Diamond Racing
  • Critical Mass Systems
  • Gingko
  • Harmonic Resolution Systems
  • Harmonix
  • Iso-Acoustics
  • Shun Mook
  • Silent Running Audio
  • Star Sound Technologies
  • Stillpoints
  • Symposium
  • Townshend

The reason for starting this thread is that in the past few months I have been reading that the Critical Mass Centerstage 2 footers are beating all or most of the above solutions from the other named brands. However, it seems that the Arya Audio Revopods are also beating most of the brands in some high-end select forums and groups as well. 

Do you use and or have/ had any experience with the above and where did you place them and why?

Here is my setup currently.

1. Source/ Network player: Star Sound Technologies Sistrum platform
2. Pre-Amp: No footer yet (Artesania Audio rack)
3. Amplifier: No footer yet (Artesania Audio rack)
4. Power conditioner: Harmonic Resolution Systems Nimbus & HRS platform footers
5. Power supplies for source: Stillpoints
6. Router: Stillpoints
7. Speakers: Stillpoints

I found out that this works the best in my system, but would like to know your experience as I found that using these footers and their effectiveness really depends on the component. Specifically, I would like to hear your experience with Arya Audio and Centerstage 2 footers?
I use a combination of isolation for my system. Under server: Stillpoints Ultra 6's / amp: Critical Mass Black Diamond shelf & Center Stage footers (4) / Under speakers: Nordost SortFut / REL subs: Arya Audio RevOpods / Under conditioner, grounding station and other conditioning products: Ultra 6's and Nordost SortKones (TC).  

I have mixed and matched all of the combinations possible with these products and have my preferences.  

I find the SortKones (TC) and the RevOpods equally effective with the RevOpods being warmer and the SortKones (TC) being a little more detailed. SortKones are tall and components tend to slide around a lot. RevOpods are much shorter but also have a hard surface on the narrow end (component side) so components will slide around if pushed or not handled carefully. If space (height) is an issue, the RevOpods will be more accommodating .

The Stillpoints Ultra 6's and the Center Stage footers were far more effective than the above. The Ultra 6's are extremely detailed, focused and somewhat analytical. The center Stage footers (1" & 1.5") are just as detailed but add a warmth and realness that the Ultra 6's don't. The holographic layering of the soundstage with the CS footers is spooky good. After talking with other Critical Mass owners and dealers I decided to add a Critical Mass shelf to the mix. Using the shelf in conjunction with the CS footers was cumulative and by far the best I have ever heard under a component. I plan to add 1 more CM shelf and 4 more CS footers.....Critical Mass is ridiculously expensive but nothing comes close to what their products can do for your system.  
I use a combination of isolation for my system. Under server: Stillpoints Ultra 6's / amp: Critical Mass Black Diamond shelf & Center Stage footers (4) / Under speakers: Nordost SortFut / REL subs: Arya Audio RevOpods / Under conditioner, grounding station and other conditioning products: Ultra 6's and Nordost SortKones (TC).  

I have mixed and matched all of the combinations possible with these products and have my preferences.  

I find the SortKones (TC) and the RevOpods equally effective with the RevOpods being warmer and the SortKones (TC) being a little more detailed. SortKones are tall and components tend to slide around a lot. RevOpods are much shorter but also have a hard surface on the narrow end (component side) so components will slide around if pushed or not handled carefully. If space (height) is an issue, the RevOpods will be more accommodating .

The Stillpoints Ultra 6's and the Center Stage footers were far more effective than the above. The Ultra 6's are extremely detailed, focused and somewhat analytical. The center Stage footers (1" & 1.5") are just as detailed but add a warmth and realness that the Ultra 6's don't. The holographic layering of the soundstage with the CS footers is spooky good. After talking with other Critical Mass owners and dealers I decided to add a Critical Mass shelf to the mix. Using the shelf in conjunction with the CS footers was cumulative and by far the best I have ever heard under a component. I plan to add 1 more CM shelf and 4 more CS footers.....Critical Mass is ridiculously expensive but nothing comes close to what their products can do for your system.  

Hi @ron17, thanks for sharing your feedback with us.

Some interesting things you mention there. I am going for best sound quality and for me that is realism and making the speakers and all components disappear as much as possible. Sometimes that mean maybe less detail or more or less warmth for instance.

You are saying that the Revopods sound warm and what I could find online is that Hifi + is saying "Irrespective of the component they're holding up, the Revopods give the soundstage extra depth and definition. Voices are more resonant and more like the real thing. The individual instrument sections in an orchestra are more clearly defined an delineated." Would you say you agree with these findings? Could you also share with which components you used them besides the sub and what you heard?

For Centerstage 2 footers PF mentions "The resultant stillness this afforded, by way of a darker, starker, background, was just intoxicating, adding a power and persuasiveness to everything I played, allowing me to be informed as much by the silence between musical impulses as by the effortless drive and pace of the musical gestalt itself. Instrumental tone colors, including their textures and verve, had bloomed. There was a newfound effortlessness and neutrality to every aspect of the music I played now" Also here, would you agree with these findings and under which components did you try them?

It's interesting, it seems that on more Western forums (e.g. whatsbestforum) they tend to lean towards the Centerstage 2 footers as best performers. Whereas on Eastern forums (e.g. Audio Exotics) they say that Revopods bested the Centerstage 2 footers. 


I got the RevOpods specifically for my 2 REL subs. I couldn't find a footer with the screw size that would accommodate the thread of the REL. I wanted to use Nordost SortFut (I use them on my main speakers) but Nordost didn't have a screw size to fit the REL's. I thought about Stillpoints Ultra 5's (they had the correct screw size) but I didn't want to spend that much on 8 footers (2 subs). A dealer who I have been working with for years had just become an Arya Audio distributor/dealer and was begging me to try them. He sent me a set to demo not only on my sub but he wanted me to try them on every component. My Innuos ZENith mk2 se music server is the most sensitive component I own and most telling of power cord, USB and footer changes, so that was the component I did my testing on. I tried 4 different footers under it for 5-10 days (each footer set). Nordost SortKones (TC) / RevOpods / Ultra 6's / Center Stage2 footers.

First of all I found each one of these footers improved the focus, imaging, detail and soundstage. In my system I preferred some over others. Every system is different and has different tuning needs. The quotes on RevOpods and Center Stage2 footers sound like what I heard in my system. 'Intoxicating' would be an accurate word to describe the Center Stage2 footers. In my system I thought the SortKones and the RevOpods were equal with slightly different tonal characteristics....SortKones being a little more detailed and the RevOpods being a little warmer.

I found the Ultra 6's and Center Stage footers a class above the RevOpods and SortKones. If your system is warm and tube like I could see you preferring Ultra 6's. If your system is neutral I could see one preferring Center Stage2's....again what you prefer will be based on your room, components, musical taste and what tonal qualities you desire.

One brand of footer might work well in my system and not be ideal in yours. I recommend finding a dealer that will let you borrow a set or two to demo in your system. Good luck finding a Critical Mass dealer that will let you do that (I couldn't find one). If you PM me I will give you the name of my dealer who sells Nordost, Stillpoints and RevOpods. You might be able to demo a set of RevOpods in your system.
First of all I found each one of these footers improved the focus, imaging, detail and soundstage. In my system I preferred some over others. Every system is different and has different tuning needs. The quotes on RevOpods and Center Stage2 footers sound like what I heard in my system. ’Intoxicating’ would be an accurate word to describe the Center Stage2 footers. In my system I thought the SortKones and the RevOpods were equal with slightly different tonal characteristics....SortKones being a little more detailed and the RevOpods being a little warmer.

I found the Ultra 6’s and Center Stage footers a class above the RevOpods and SortKones. If your system is warm and tube like I could see you preferring Ultra 6’s. If your system is neutral I could see one preferring Center Stage2’s....again what you prefer will be based on your room, components, musical taste and what tonal qualities you desire.

One brand of footer might work well in my system and not be ideal in yours. I recommend finding a dealer that will let you borrow a set or two to demo in your system. Good luck finding a Critical Mass dealer that will let you do that (I couldn’t find one). If you PM me I will give you the name of my dealer who sells Nordost, Stillpoints and RevOpods. You might be able to demo a set of RevOpods in your system.
Thanks for this. I don’t live in the US, I am in Hong Kong (HK) hence why I started this thread for us all to learn more. Unfortunately, most/ almost all dealers won’t demo anything in anyone’s system. Sometimes they’re even reluctant to let you hear what a component does in a system. Most people here therefore rely on reviews and trying/ buying it for themselves and reselling if it doesn’t work out as they would like.

I think I might try the Revopods first and then the Centerstage 2 footers, given the price difference. Also the Revopods may retain their demand and value now here in HK, so it might be easier to resell and then try the Centerstage.

Sometimes I think most ppl here are crazy and that makes me sad. I had high hopes!

It's all in your head! Putting footers under your amp or cd player does not make a difference.

Science = if something can't be measured it ain't true!