Gene DellaSala Has Coronavirus

If you haven’t seen this yet...our very best wishes and prayers to Gene and his family.
The good news. More than 126,000 have been infected globally, according to the WHO. About 68,000 victims have recovered, according to Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking the virus.

Media and the left have made this much worse than what it is. Just like some of the people on this thread way over exaggerated what so called experts stated. This is what I mean that it sounds much worse than what it is here. I’m not saying that there is nothing wrong, but we don’t have to be so scared to make a move either
I suspect it is human nature to be skeptical of what is reported... this article explains why the numbers are not ... locked in stone.

I also suspect that self preservation sets in when you hear that the stores are possibly being emptied.

I think it’s important to send Positive thoughts to Gene as he recovers from the virus.... and keep what is left if this thread... positive. 
Well, now that we have a National Emergency announced by the pres I suspect we’ll see things improve considerably.