Anybody tried EMM DCC2 into preamp?

I use an Esoteric DV-50 as CDP. I love the Atma-Sphere MP-1/MA 2.2 (mod) combination/synergy and would hate to give up the MP-1, but want the best possible digital source, which is clearly the EMM DCC2 (+ transport).
I know that this unit functions as a preamp too and could make my MP-1 redundant. Has anyone used the DCC2 with a high quality preamp, eg Atma-Sphere, Aesthetix, etc instead of just straight into the amp, which is obviously more logical? Is there any chance that the synergy of the Atma-Sphere preamp/amp will even improve the sound of the DCC2 (+ EMM transport)? Anybody done that yet?
Clumsily phrased. What I meant was, has anyone compared the preamp in the DCC2 with their pre-existing preamp or specifically, the MP-1? I hope to compare it myself. (one day..............)
Or, alternatively, how good is the preamp in the DCC2?
For over a month I had the opportunity to compare both the Audio Note M-8 and M-10 tube preamps with the DCC2 preamp in my system. I consistently preferred the "liveness" and musicality of the tubed preamps over the DCC2 preamp, which was also excellent. I chose to use the "extra" preamp. However, if you compare the costs and space, I could make the argument and be happy with using the DCC2 as my preamp.

In case you have not yet come across it, I posted my assessment of the DCC2’s linestage vs. the First Sound Paramount. Please see the following discussion…