ESOTERIC N-01 Replacement For My PS Audio BHK Preamp & Directstream Dac with Brige ll

I have Auditioned the Esoteric Grandioso K1 on several occasions and I cant seem to find anything that comes close. My thoughts where to replace my BHK Preamp and Directream Dac for the Esoteric N-01 Network Player Dac since it is the same Dac as the Grandioso's minus the Super Audio CD Player. My thoughts is to go with the Esoteric N-01 XLR out to my Audio Research 160S direct and use it as a digital Preamp only out to my Focal #2’s.
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i realize this is an older thread but I am debating between a Grandioso K1 (or N-01x if i skip the cd transport) and DCS, with lumin as a sleeper.

wondering if you’ve been able to have any more experiences across these?

I can tell you that the Grandioso is totally one of the best if not the best I have ever heard second to the Lampinzator Golden gate. As you already know the N-01 is the Grandioso without the transport. The only one that has totally peeked my interest "And Trust me I'm Pickey" is the LuminX1 based on what I have heard from a a very respected dealer who as owned all 3 lines. The Lumin is in the Cross hairs because I love FPGA updates and there Lumin App. With all that in mind I can't wait to here one live in my current system If you have any doubt reach out to Mike at Suncoat Audio in Sarasota Florida where all the HIFI Ballers buy high-end. He is easy and a sincere guy to talk with absolutely no pressure and might even entertain an in home demo for you.


Thanks for the additional thoughts!

I forgot to ask you, previously - were you able to try any of the MSB DACs?

Since my original question, I have become more interested in MSB and T+A SDV 3100, actually!