Looking to get the best out of Redbook Cd listening with Dac a d Transport under 5K?

Hi guys! Ex Audiophile out of touch for many years now! Looking to purchase Dac and Transport to listen to my large Cd collection! Not sure where to go! Thanks Larry
There are lots and lots of highly recommended DACs in the $1500 to $2500 range.  Sample a few of the recent threads.  Then add a Cambridge or Audiolab transport and you're done.


Just get the Marantz SA-KI Ruby and be done.  (See the review in the January 2020 Absolute Sound.)
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Yes, the Mohican is made.....substantially using the parts of an antediluvian Chinese Opera Audio Consonance CD player.  Search the 'gon for threads on this subject.
I just took delivery of the Chord Qutest pairing it with Bluesound node 2. Very resolving. Puts muscians in your room.
Learning more about Chord! What about the 2 piece set up? Finding out talking to a guy who said talk to guy in Connecticut that works on Chord! Getting specifics tomorrow! Trying to learn lots before making any choice! Thank you all for input! Keep up the good info to help me!