Which to Upgrade first? My Amplifier or Speakers

I have owned a nice system for years, but I am hardly an audiophile.  You people impress me with your depth of knowledge of audio.  I've been following this site for some time.  This is my first post. 
From time to time I replace or upgrade components.  I've got a tricked out Linn Sondek LP 12 turntable.  I recently acquired a McIntosh MP 100 phono amp and am hearing LP's now that exceed anything I've heard on CD's and equal if not exceed the output of my SACD's.  I bring this up only to give a flavor of what I listen to.
The issue is as follows:  I have a McIntosh MC 206 Amp that I bought in 2003 that puts out 200 watts per channel.  I have no issues with it, although I've never had anything to compare it with.  I've read some impressive reviews of how much of a difference an amplifier can make to the quality of sound output.  For speakers I have Magnepan 3.6R's that I also bought in 2003.  I love them.  I can only afford to upgrade one at a time - let's say in the neighborhood of 10 - 12K.  So,  I'd like to hear what this august body has to say about which I should upgrade first and why?  The amp or the speakers?  Thank you. 
I'm embarrassed to say they slipped through my fingers.  I ran into the wife issue in pulling the trigger.  And, I was very excited about both - seriously.  I'm keeping my eyes open and massaging the spouse line in the meantime.  
Thanks.  You are kind.  I do love Maggies.  I think I'll go to shows and see what else brings me closer to the music without totally busting the bank.
Dear Schroeder and Tweak
Both of you are behemoths in audio, and I value what you both have to say.  The combination of science with art and the senses produces so many variables in audio that it truly makes for a remarkable playground.  I thank you both.

normantaylor, you are demonstrating wisdom and tactfulness. Kudos. 

Don't worry much about deals that slip by; imo far more important to have agreement with the wife. There is gear all over the place and many ways to get an upgrade.  :) 

normantaylor, frankly, the loss of a deal in the near term is sometimes the best thing that can happen long term. 

You expressed desire to attend a show. If you have never been to a show, that will thrill you in terms of opening your eyes to the vast potential for revising your rig! I strongly encourage you to wait until you can get to a show or two. There is nothing like it to build a portfolio of items to consider for an upgrade. It's also a great way to socialize with others who have the same passion for music.