Interconnects, some have directional indicators, why?

I'm curious as to why some interconnects are directional? Is there a physical internal difference and do they generally sound better and cost more than non-directional cables? Thanks for your interest.
geoffkait: Since the satellite delay is known to be 240 ms that means the velocity of the audio signal (voice) through free space is 186,000 miles per second. The speed of light. Now what is the only thing that can travel at the speed of light in free space?

to which atmasphere replied,
"Electrons flow back and forth in a wire. Its useful to examine the way this occurs by using the model of ball bearings in a hose. When you push one ball bearing into one end, instantaneously one leaves the hose at the other end. Electrons work the same way as they are easily exchanged in their respective orbits of adjacent atoms (in a material we call a ’conductor’).

Obviously you didn’t learn this when going to the two week NASA school."

Huh?! I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears my post went over your head. My post relates to the proposition that the electromagnetic wave that is the audio signal in copper wire or any conductor is comprised of photons, as are all electromagnetic waves. Besides, Electromagnetic waves in free space do not require electrons. How could they? it’s a vacuum. Hel-loo! BTW I was senior mathematician at NASA when you were still wearing bell bottoms.

have a nice day

Photons. Hmm. Maybe that was the mail order NASA school...

Actually, photons conducting in a wire is about as likely as you working at NASA which is to say neither happened.
12-05-2016 4:01pm
Photons. Hmm. Maybe that was the mail order NASA school...

Actually, photons conducting in a wire is about as likely as you working at NASA which is to say neither happened.

No offense to you personally but you’re confused. I’m not saying that photons conduct at all. So don't put words in my mouth. If you can’t keep up with the conversation maybe you should consider sitting this one out.

My post relates to the proposition that the electromagnetic wave that is the audio signal **in** copper wire or any conductor is comprised of photons, as are all electromagnetic waves.
For a given value of 'in' I suppose increases or decreases the number of words in your mouth, apparently.

Emphasis added.

atmasphere said:

That energy cannot exist without the current flow. You are correct in that electromagnetism is always there but it can’t exist without current! This link might help sort things out for you:

Quote from Link below:

"Those of you who feel that many of the ideas are not mainstream should find a copy of “Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers” by Donald G. Fink and H. Wayne Beaty.…there is a section entitled, “Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Phenomena.”

“The usually accepted view that the conductor current produces the magnetic field surrounding it must be displaced by the more appropriate one that the electromagnetic field surrounding the conductor produces, through a small drain on the energy supply, the current in the conductor. Although the value of the latter may be used in computing the transmitted energy, one should clearly recognize that physically this current produces only a loss and in no way has a direct part in the phenomenon of power transmission.”

“There it was, right in front of me in black and white! The current does not flow around a loop setting up a magnetic field as I had, along with countless other engineers, been taught in high school and university. It is the other way round. The electric current is but an artifact of a more fundamental entity.”