Joule Electra preamps and amps. What is your impression?

Never auditioned them. Thinking about replacing my SS integrated. Lamm, VAC etc. are out of reach.  Also, how would Joule preamp work with some SS amp, say, Rowland # 2 or older Pass or something like that ?
My Redgum integrated is very dynamic with excellent drive and bass so I won't sacrifice that even for a more natural and sophisticated.
@soundsrealaudio ... Only ONE Joule preamp (model/version) used the Russian 6C45 and 6H30 "super" tubes... The LA-150MK1 line stage (you can also find this line stage in the few LAP150MK1 preamps made (NB: a LAP is a joule line stage and phono preamp [a OPS-1] in a full function two chassis [power supply in separate outboard chassis] full function preamp. LAXXX preamps are only line stages). If a Joule preamp sounded small, IMO there was something wrong with it... Not something I have experienced or many owners I have talked to over the years have heard with them. If you ever get a chance to hear a LA150SE or a LA-300ME, give it a spin - I think you may find it to your liking. :-)  I do understand we all have our individual preferences though when it comes to what tubes and tube designs sound best. :-)

The LA-100(MK1 through MKIII) used 5751 and 6350 tubes in the line stage and LA-150MKII line stages used four 6350 tubes in the line stage.

I am also not a big fan of the Russian tubes (sound wise), but even for using those tubes the LA-150MK1 line stage was pretty good sounding... I do think that the LA-100MKIII and the LA-150MKII line stage designs (so the later includes the 150SE and the LA300ME variants) were Jud's best sounding efforts.

@pryso The phono preamps can be odd that way. Generally they are not prone to picking up radio stations, but I have one customer who seems to be in the right spot to pick up a certain FM radio station... RFI can be odd that way . . .  it can be something about slight differences in wiring layout or even tube chosen that can cause it to happen or not.

Those CES shows with Jud and Bobby bring back fond memories and were great fun... And also some sadness with Jud's wife Marinanne passing some years ago and just last year Bobby. I do miss them both.

Happy Listening
Rich Brkich
Signature Sound
It is Michael Green Audio Revolution 80i free resonance speakers.
I've not been able to find any information on this speaker, but in general it appears that the speakers on Michael Green's site are pretty tube-friendly in terms of impedance and phase angles. They do need a bit more power but that is usually not a problem for OTLs.
Ralph, thank you. When I switched from 60 watt/ch amp to 120 watt/ch amp, both ss integrated, there was a big improvement at all volume levels, though the current amp is of higher quality too. But I can definitely hear that the increased power is beneficial. So 60 watt/ch of tube power should be just right, and 100 watts wouldn't hurt.
inna, I own the Joule Electra 150MKII SE. The one piece of gear I just can't let go. Everything else in my system has changed but I just love the sound of this pre. Plus Jud is a super guy and I wish him all the best in his retirement. 

Rich, did you end up with Jud's stock of tubes for my pre? I ask because I had planned on buying a second set just to make sure and then heard Jud was retired.

Ralph, you are always such a gentleman, it's really nice to hear you talk highly of someone else's products without trying to sell your own. Of course to me that is reason enough to look into your products as well.

In fact,  have a new audio friend who is bringing over a pair of your M60-MK111s that he is going to sell. I have heard here in fact a few years ago that they are a very good match with my Joule pre so I'm really looking forward to that.  
@gregfisk I received some tubes from Jud (6350's and Russian 6C45 and 6H30 stuff - all old stock - some new, some not), but I am unsure if it is all that he had. So, I am always on the hunt for batches of NOS 6350s (which are not easy to find... plenty of folks with a pair or two, but I'd love to find a stash of a dozen or more).

BTW, I agree Ralph is a true gent. Often sharing his experience and expertise on various forums which for sure I have learned much from.