Recos for entry level Bookshelf speaker $400-750 for 21yo nieces first system?

Looking for recommendations for a bookshelf speaker for a system I am buying my 21 yr old niece in DC. Will be used for all kinds of music, much from IPhone via Bluetooth or from Mac. Speaker should work on a shelf or tv stand so port forward or be closed. Amp will be NAD D3020 or similar small form of 30-40 w RMS.  Not necessarily audiophile but good musical sound. Have read about PBS, Elac, others. I live in HI so can't hear any of these. I appreciate any and all responses.

I own the Silverline Minuet Supremes and they are brilliant little hifi speakers...but they are not what I would recommend for a 21 year old girl. These would be perfect.
I also recommend the Rega RS-1's . After endless experimentation I found that the Rega's paired with a Dayens Ampino has remarkable synergy. The transparency and resolution of the pair made cable selection extremely  important.  I discovered that Kimber 8pr was up to the task. This combination is truly staggering within its power limitations.
If you have Best Buy in Hawaii, the B&W 685 S2 speakers sound fantastic for the price. 
Don't even think about passive speakers in that price range. The best you can do is a pair of JBL LSR305 + a Bluetooth DAC. Much much better sound for the money. Incredible dynamics that most 10k speakers can't reach.