Has anyone heard the new North American products preamp and amp?

The new versions are called X-10s and the amp is on its third version or Mark III. This truly provides holograph imagine unlike anything I've heard before. On symphonic orchestras, one can hear the first violins. I have never heard an amp sound this precise.

In reality, I doubt if any amplifier can rival it. I certainly have never heard any that do so. Every album is so involving.

The preamp has yet to get a remote but is nevertheless, quite striking.
Let’s take a look for a moment at what kind of errors you’re actually talking about here. We know that the velocity of the audio signal in copper wire is some high percentage of the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second. Let’s say for argument’s sake the frequency with the highest velocity travels at 75% of the speed of light, or 139,500 miles per second. Now, suppose there are differences in velocities depending on frequency. How much different are the velocities? 5%? 10% 30%? Let’s take the largest number for the sake of argument. Thus, 70% of 3/4 of the speed of light is the velocity of the slowest frequency within the audio signal. That's our assumption. Which happens to be actually another big number. A huge number, in fact.  98,000 miles per second. Anyone care to take a guess how long it takes a signal traveling at 98,000 miles per second to traverse the circuits in an amplifier? Compared to say room anomalies and phase errors produced by speaker crossovers and differences in velocities inside the amp seem extremely inconsequential, if I can be so bold. Of course, you might be correct and your amp might be the biggest thing since Skippy Chunky Peanut Butter. It’s just not obvious why.

One more question: once the signal leaves the amplifier it still needs to get to the speakers.  The speaker cables introduce additional velocity differences in the signal since the high frequencies travel closer to the surface of the conductor where the resistance is less, no?
This is an excellent question that I'm glad you asked.
The difference is that one is a non-symmetrical phase error and the other is a symmetrical phase error.

Symmetrical phase errors are tolerable because they "screw up" the positive and negative wavefronts identically. while it is not ideal it won't modify the location of an object the way that a non-symmetrical phase error can.

A  non-symmetrical phase error can alter the phase more on one of the pos/neg wavefronts which will introduce velocity errors (the positive wavefront may arrive faster (sooner) than the negative wavefront)
This puts a constant wrinkle in the time domain.

So in the case of your speaker wire.Indeed high frequencies travel closer to the surface (skin effect) but this happens equally to signals traveling in both directions .

In an active stage. The likelihood of a non-symmetrical phase error created by a non-linear event injects what looks like a poor connection into the chain.

The connection will lean towards a diode effect meaning it conducts better in one direction than the other. This phenomenon will always cause the location information to be scrambled or diffused and the holographic view to collapse.


The speed I'm talking about is not the speed of electricity traveling from the positive supply down through the tube/transistor and into the circuit ground.
That is the vertical axis which is responsible for providing an instantaneous voltage (potential) that represent the instantaneous air pressure. 

One the other hand, the horizontal axis represents the time domain.
If for some reason the vertical motion of a rise in voltage (increase in pressure) fails to make it to the theoretical peak of the sine wave then we see this as compression. If you place the compressed image over the ideal image - it can be seen the somewhere (maybe 3/4 of the way up) the amplifier trace begins to fall behind the ideal trace. It's velocity has slowed down. This means that a portion of the sine wave has been altered, its shape is no longer ideal and now represents the shape of a lower frequency. Likewise if the amplifier trace is seen as reaching a higher than ideal voltage then its velocity has increased. This looks like expansion (or the opposite of compression). That portion of the amplifier's wave now appears to be a higher frequency. The pitch has changed.

This is classic Doppler.

By securing the velocity along the time domain - it forces the amplifier to put out a trace that would superimpose onto the ideal trace. The shape of the sine wave is not altered and will always represent the fundamental frequency. Harmonics of the locked sine wave are non existent.

Distortion and linearity are inversely proportional. The less the linearity the more distortion. Instead of trying to make a linear amplifier, I made one that does not distort. If you have zero distortion - you automatically have 100% linearity. (same as air).

In the absence of Doppler distortion, every instrument in a full orchestra can be heard separately as if you were at the original venue. 

Yes electricity travels at roughly the speed of light.
The horizontal movement of a signal representing a sound wave through a circuit has a specific playback speed. 

If you record sound at Mach One you must play it back at Mach One.



The consensus generally is that harmonic distortion specs alone tell you little meaningful about the resulting sound
You are making my point. The same way the SS amps with 0.005 % cannot match the warm full sound of a tube amp with 0.5 %

I knew years ago that the THD measurement gear seemed to ignore or miss something that should be relevant. It is microscopic variations in speed caused by the active amplifying process.It is Doppler on a very fine scale. 

If you try to raise the pitch of a 1KHz tone so it becomes a 2KHz tone, what is the very first thing to happen? (picture analog gear with an old fashioned knob for frequency). The very instant that you put pressure on the knob to turn it towards a higher frequency, you start to alter the phase angle of the current 1KHZ tone and the instantaneous frequency has to pass through every frequency between 1KHz and 2 KHz. So not long after you try to raise the frequency it puts out 1001 Hz. 1002Hz and so on until you reach the desired frequency.

When amplifiers produce harmonic distortion the same action occurs. as the trace of a perfect sine wave hits a non-linear event - the result will be a harmonic at 2KHz. However if we go back and slow down the events we can see that the first thing to happen is the beginning of the fundamental to move up the spectrum towards 2KHz. If we can monitor the shape of the sine wave and notice as soon as it appears to deviate from ideal it would still be within less than a cycle of 1000 hz. Knowing that the direction is headed up the spectrum we can apply a phase countermeasure to force it down the spectrum by an equal amount. This essentially locks the fundamental in place at its own frequency never having the opportunity to shift or drift up or down the spectrum. It is phase locked with a control of the phase down to nano-degrees. The distortion is virtual zero. If you prefer a measurement - how about -250 db. (150 db below the noise floor)
I hesitate to release the other specs about this amplifying method because if you are having a hard time absorbing the accuracy achieved it will get even more incredible. 

I love to read these discussions though I'm not a genius or in anyway a scientist. I am however someone who has lived with live music all my life,in my home from childhood , and through becoming a musician and marrying and excellent pianist.  I have been in pursuit  as a New York newspaper series on the "audiophile search of the. Holy Grail"  included my comments many years ago with the great designers of those days. I have worked the shows, helping set up rooms to achieve  the best results in difficult situations, and been fortunate to walk through the designs of many of the best designers. I love music and have longed for the equipment to get out of its way.  The battles between tubes vs solid state . System  matching, wire choices always to accommodate the weaknesses of the equipment.  I remember when the absolute sound magazine gave Roger Paul a Golden ear award and one of the great reviewers made the comment that Roger was really headed in the right direction. Wish she could have been here to hear where that direction has lead.  I've watched the journey.  It's been rough due to many uncontrollable.  I am enjoying my system more than ever before.  My wife asked me to teach her to operate the system after 47 years of marriage.  Thank you Roger that though life has thrown you many difficult challenges you never gave up on a vision of bringing music into our homes.  I hope now we can get enough people to really listen to the amp and preamp and hear for themselves what I'm enjoying more and more each day and it's still breaking in.