A push-pull tube design and Single-ended class A designs


Between a push-pull tube design and Single-ended class A designs amp, is Single-ened class A better in sound quality, why?

Generally speaking, if you want to explore what SETs really have to offer, higher efficiency loudspeakers of easy impedance (8-16 ohms) are preferred.

A great speaker would be the Classic Audio Loudspeakers Hartsfield reproduction. Its about 105 db and very wide range for that efficiency!

If you are on more of a budget I would consider a full-range loudspeaker like a Lowther or PHY in an open-back cabinet or baffle.
Thank you very much jam, charles1dad, and atmasphere.

charles1dad, I really love to go to the show but where can I get the info regarding show information. I am in San Bernardino county, Los Angeles county CA.


There's an annual show in Newport, CA.(usually late spring-early summer) it's reported to be a really good audio show.
