speakers to go with Musical Fidelity a5.5 amp

I just got a musical fidelity a5.5 amp to replace my old NAD c-370 amp. I have noted a remarkable improvement in sound stage over the NAD plus I can hear details that I never noticed with the NAD. On the other hand, the bass that my NAD put out was more intense than the new MF amp-go figure, the MF has over twice the rated watts as the NAD.

I am pretty happy with the step up but now I need new speakers to replace my old Klipsch KG-4's. Harbeth and Spendors look appealing. Anyone have any recs on speakers to pair with my new amp and arcam cd23t CD player? I like the look of a more traditional box type speaker rather than towers or some of the oddball looking stuff that is favored by many. My room is about 15' x 20' with carpet and a 10 foot ceiling. Rock and Roll and bluegrass are my main choices in music. I like to feel the bass as well as hear it.
I think the ProAc's would sound very nice with the Musical Fidelity A5.

I have not heard the Mani-2 signatures, so cannot comment on differences.
i have a Musical Fidelity A308 and it works well with my VR4jrs in an 18 x 18+ x 10 room
I have the Mordaunt-Short Performance 6's driven by the A5 amp and the sound is excellent - very transparent and great top to bottom integration. The two have great synergy to my ears. Not sure of your budget but well worth an audition if possible.
I finally picked the totem mani 2 signature. These little monitors sound great with my MF amp!
If the Mani 2 Signatures are anywhere as good as the originals, I am sure this combination sounds terrific. Nice bass, huh.