Vandersteen with?

A couple of questions and an observation. How do you think the Vandersteen 3A signatures would do with Parasound A51 or 5250 amp? Would be used in my room which is 18' w by 30' long. No side wall issues, just the short back wall. The room on one side opens into a similar size space. I am not sure the 2ce Signatures would be enough? My one problem is considering how to convince the wife to ignore the the look of these speakers! They are not something to look at, but sound great. Any ideas on overcoming this? Thinking of the HDP 70 as the processor.
Would you consider the Definitive Technology BP7001c similar?
My observation was listening to a parasound a21 powering the Vandersteen 2ce signature. Brought some cd's, Yellow Jackets "Blue Hat", Acoustic Alchemy, and Hendrix "Bold as Love". Listened to various tracks and they sounded great! Hendrix's "Up from the Skies" was amazingly clear and spacious! Next listened to system using B&W 804"s. Love the look, but I preferred the sound of the V's better. Any other brands you would recommend? thanks.

Joe in Mobile
I do not use subs with my setup. I can make my system have too much bass or too little bass by moving the speakers and seating location in the room so subs are not necessary even in my large room. I have heard the 3as with and without subs and they definitely sound better with subs in the system, but I don't believe they are a must have for good sound. I don't think that the difference in wattage of the amps is what makes the speakers sound better because they did not sound good at all even at low volumes with the A23. With the A21 the 3as sound great at all volumes. My wife is not bothered by the look of the speakers, but they are in a dedicated room so aesthetics come second to sound. You can check it out if you click on my system link by my username.
Hi Dhel,

Beautiful set-up you have. I am not sure how my wife will react as this will be in the living room. I'm hoping the sound will convince her. A couple of questions for you; 1) You don't think the wattage of the amp mattered, yet they sound better w/ 250w vice 125w. What do you think makes them sound better with that amp then? 2) I will be using a NHT powered sub with them. What do you think of that combo? Thanks for your input and I look forward to hearing from you.

Joe in Mobile
Hi Joe, here is a thought on WAF.

I'm sure over 90% of the Vandersteens sold (models 1, 2, and 3) have the black sox. Note that Dhel does and that his front wall is also a dark color.

Years ago when I was ordering new speakers that were very large (6' tall) and came standard with black grill cloth (covering 98% of the front of the speakers), I happened to mention this to a friend who was an interior decorator. She reacted in horror and ask if any other color grills were available. My walls and drapes on the front wall are off-white. I was able to order off-white grills and in spite of their size, these speakers blended in with the room quite nicely.

I believe Vandy offers beige and possibly gray as alternatives to the black sox. Finding a color that better blends with your room décor could help win the battle of WAF. Not everyone appreciates a 2001 monolith, let alone a pair of them in their living room.

Also, while I've not heard current versions, you might find the 2Ce Sigs with Vandy subs works better than the 3As. This is because you could then fine tune the bass more easily and accurately. And since the Vandy subs are self-powered, you would not need as much power on the main speakers.
What type of material did you order to use as grill cloth? How much material did you use? Were you satisfied with the end result? Was it easy to do as a diy project? If you can think up any other questions I should ask, please feel free to answer them. ;)

Joe in Mobile