Silverline Sonata III & McIntosh MC275?

I am planning to upgrade my speakers and I am just wondering if this combination works?

I currently have the Sonata I now and the C-220 / MC275 combo works quite well with them. Haven't seen much of the McIntosh & Silverline combos around. I heard that the Sonata III are totally different than the old Sonata I. What are the sonic-differences in between them two? I researched and researched and was so discouraged just because I haven't found any info with a system which consist the two, or even a person who tried this combo... Would like to get some advice before making the purchase. Thanks!

I reckon then I'm a lot easier to please than T... or got very very, lucky with the amp choices I made. Six one way, half dozen the other I suppose.

Either way, it is the buyer's choice to do with things as he or she sees fit. I'd sure not have gone thru all those itterations Tvad did. I know that much, and would have just sent them to Alan instead.

I'm sure sorry if I've acted adversarially here. I just like what I am getting from my own deal overall, and have had no such problems. Too, I've long since given up on attaining perfection in an imperfect world.

That path leads me to much greater ese and enjoyment way more often than not...

Thanks new...
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Can I ask you Silverline experts a related question? I have heard it said that in general, the speakers need room placement well away from rear or side walls. If so, I can not accomodate them. About 2ft in front of CD racks is the best I can manage. Has anyone any views on this? thanks
I haven't found the set up of my Silverlines any different that any other similar full range dynamic speakers I've used. They all worked a couple of feet from the wall behind them, the bass was a bit uneven, and the soundstage depth was compressed. I love my speakers and if I had no alternative I would move them back rather than replace them.

But would I have spent all that money on a high resolution speaker in the first place, probably not. I'd have lowered my expectations and gotten some less expensive but good quality speakers like Spendors. FWIW.
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