Speaker Stands adapters for Heavy Speakers?

I just bought a pair of GM Europa speakers. They are heavy (48 lbs) with a width and length of 8 x 10.5. I have sandfilled premier stands (paradigm). The stands are heavy enough but the tops measure only 7 x 9. I am concerned that I need a stand top that more closely matches the speaker size.

Does anyone make an adapter plate that can be used to adapt this speaker to the smaller top plate? Do you think Blu-tak is enough to secure them?

Your top plate is just fine, really. Going to the edge won't make it any better. 1/2 or so around the edge is very normal.
Have to agree I wouldn't fret over an inch or so either way.If you needed a little more hieght you could add a piece of maple or Granite but I don't feel the extra added cost is worth the trouble...Just make sure you have a Herbies ( or something similar ) big Fat Dots in between stands and Monitor...........
D, most monitor mfgrs recommend blu-tak. The smaller plate would also be a design criteria. If the base plate is small I would use lead, not sand.
Thanks for feedback. I am planning on using blu-tak. It sounds as though it holds well enough to secure the speakers. Thanks for the suggestion about the lead, I think I will try that as well.

If the stands are metal I would consider decoupling the speakers from them. I have used Blu-tak but mine sound better with a set of cones with point upward between the speakers and stands. If I did want to couple them to the stands I would use cones with point downward. Metal stands are quite resonate even when filled with lead shot as mine are. If you have some small cones [Mapleshade, Valid Points, Star Sound, others] try them and see what you think. You do have to be more careful not to knock them over. Blu-Taked speakers have to be pried off.