Magnepan 3a's with two bridged krell 1000wpc 8ohms

Has anyone had this setup?
the MG IIIA and two krell 250A bridged to 1000 wats per channel. Will this be over kill.
I have run the MG1.6 with 600 watts, and that's just for the 80 Hz (or so) up left over after the subwoofer. No problem. In terms of voltage (which is what the speaker responds to) 1000 watts is not much different from 600.

I made some measurements to see if I could get by with a smaller amp, and concluded that, surprisingly, 600 watts was not overkill. However, for monoblock convenience, I am now getting by with a mere 350, which my measurments showed would cover all but absurd volume levels.
for the first time ever I just popped the fuses on my 3.6r's. I just got them back from Magnepan where they were rebuilt and I am trying to break them in. No damage, just fuses needed to be replaced. Used Bel Canto Ref 1000 monoblocks, and the volume was absurd, but that's the first time it has happened. But, that said, I don't think the 1000 watts is overkill with the IIIa's. Great speakers.
I would say the Bel cantos are perfect for them. 1000 clean watts. I had 3.6rs never blew a fuse. Just made them rattle a few times