What is the 'Chales Shaw' of loudspeakers?

For those who may be away from the US wine scene, "Charles Shaw" referes to a brand of wines that costs $2-$3 per bottle and has been winning competitions and beating many $50 wines in blind tests.

So who is the "Charles Shaw" of loudspeakers? Classical music, medium room if that matters.
stacked advents will pretty much match any esoteric 10k to 15k pair of speakers you can name. on classical and big rock, they may even beat them.
Jaybo - I know you mean well but there isn't enough Charles Shaw on earth to make me believe that claim. Have you been drinking?
For me it would be the Cambridge Soundworks, Model 6 bookshelf speaker. Very musical and could compete with speakers several times its $150/pair price. Used these for several years.
I agree with Cleaneduphippy, the price/performance ratio you are looking for does not exist. That being said, and not what you were asking, the Vandersteen 2s at $2,200 are a lot of bang for the buck whether you think that is cheap or not - it is cheap compared with other speakers of comparable "full range" sound.