one speaker louder than the other

I am sure this has been discussed so many times but I could not find the specific thread..
One speaker plays louder than the other..what is the most common source of problems?
Can someone direct me on how to find the problem..
I play phono/vinyl/preamp/2 monoblocks/
Switch the small tubes, channel to channel, in your pre-amp. See if the volume reduction changes speakers.

If that doesn't make a difference, and especially if you have a critically aligned and triangulated set up, check your listening chair'a position to be sure some one hasn't moved it a few inches (I have to recheck mine every time the housekeepers leave). :-)
I swapped the 12AX7 of my preamp and was able to pinpoint the source of the problem..the tubes..
replaced with newer ones and now i am back to listening..