Revel Salon 2 versus WP 8

Anyone done a comparison?
I was expecting them to be A LOT better

A LOT better?? Are you for real? What more do you need a BJ? Here is a speaker that goes a full octave above and below the WP, doing it in a smooth and linear fashion with a step response that makes the WP look like an Aztec pyramid and you are not impressed. Why am I not surprise? Anyway, these measurements, read objectively, should put many myths to sleep. Especially in regards the bass performance of the properly design loudspeaker.
Jkalman - why are you selling your W/P8s? You were a strong advocate of Wilson Speakers; your voice will be missed...
The Salon2 works better in my HT setup as a center channel. The vocals are not as natural sounding and open on the Revels, but the bass integrates better. Both are great speakers, but one will work better behind an acoustically transparent screen due to the built in treble controls. Don't read too much into it... If I had a second listening room I would keep both.

I kept saying the Magicos were bright sounding when I heard them at HE2007, but a few people got all upset and started attacking my speaker choice and eventually me personally over it. Seeing that large area of +4 dB in the high frequencies confirmed my impressions 100%. Then there is the -4dB between 3KHz and 4KHz, as well as the +4dB at 100Hz. I just expected them to measure audibly better than the speakers people were railing against in the other threads, when in fact they don't measure better... In some instances like the frequency response, they measure worse! I expected better than -/+4dB for all the bullying that was being done hand-in-hand with the pushing of the Magico name.

This is good though, it saves me from having to do another demo... ;D