Low level listening

I enjoy listening to music at lower levels. Is buying a speaker with a low sensitivity rating the answer? Or is that the most economic answer? In short what I am asking is.....Can a speaker with a low sensitvity rating with more power actually be better for low level listening (although maybe not the most economic choice). What is the best setup for this?
Agree, just about any stereo sytem sounds good to excellent at low volume levels. I'm refering to less than 9 o'clock on the control. Now just after 9 o'clock on the contriol, this is point where any average sounding amp, begins to show its coloration/distortion.
As you crank the control even higher to say 11 o'oclock, this is where the coloration/distortion make for fatigue.
Same applies to pseakers as well.
So when testing equipment, don't listen to low/nor to loud. Too loud will overwhelm the senses and if you are not experienced in what is true fidelity , you may be misled.
I'm amazed at how poor some audiophiles senses are when it comes to high fidelity. When doing a comparison listening, try to be as objective as possible. Your mind should somehow make the hearing sense as an objective function.
I had a friend back in new orleans had a $$$$ system with a Audio Research 200 tube amp and pre, Cary 202, Talon speakers, and Mirage One speakers. Sounded aweful, I did not enjoy the sound one bit.
I imagined he thought his system sounded great.
btw since he had the power, he use to listen loud, which made it worse.
Big money does not ever equal great sound. And never ever forget that.

A good speaker should be able to reproduce actual volumes of the instruments acoustic ones in particular along with its dynamic range.
An accoustic piano among all instruments has the largest dynamic range. So if accoustic piano can sound on the same volume level as real with the same dynamic range, than speaker is considered to be good one.
how many folks actually own apiano to compare the speaker with it?
How many here actually listen to only piano solo?
After having heard more than 50 speakers in the past 5 yrs, I can tell you there was not one that matches the Thors. A few had deeper bass, but then those speakers had either smokey fatiguing mids and/or steely "fake' highs.
None matched the Thors as a balanced in all 3 sprectums. ..., even though the Thors were among the lowest in price range.
"Big money does not ever equal great sound. And never ever forget that."

It is so easy to attack an absolute statement, I will not bother. Suffice it to say there are many expensive systems that make beautiful music.

Designig to a price point always means compromise...
piano is the key in this case.
If it sounds natural in your speakers than the rest of music possibly piece of cake.