Best Classical Music for Sonus Faber Stradivari

I just had installed the New Sonus Faber Stradivaris and will have a McIntosh 2102 Amp driving the. They scream for classical, and i'm just getting into classical. What are some of the best cD recordings available.
Have you heard any composers or type of music that you have enjoyed? I assume you are interested in the highest quality recording, not necessarily so much the performance, but the possibilities are so vast it would be helpful to have at least a small clue...If you can't do that much try some recordings by Reference Recordings, RCA Livings Stereo, or even Telarc.
You need to give us more. Classical music is a big genre, and it's hard to know what to recommend when we know nothing about your specific taste.

Dvorak's 8th Symphony with Claudio Abbado and the Berlin Philharmonic is in my CD player at the moment...
Many of the Mercury CD reissues are very good. And, take a look at this thread about the Naxos recordings (which are very modestly priced) and pay particular attention to the recommendations from Texasdave. The Naxos catalog has some great recordings, but also has some not-so-good recordings.

If you're looking for recommendations of MUSIC for getting started listening to classical, there are several threads in the archives that will help with this. Let us know and we can point you to some as starting points.
Some labels which are not specifically audiophile but which I have often found to be well-recorded: Pierre Verany, Harmonia Mundi, Hyperion and Analekta. Great music, great performances to be found here. Try Analekta's Handel arias sung by Karina Gauvin, if you like baroque vocal.
Never buy just for the quality of the recording (okay maybe just once to use as a demo). The performance means everything in any form of music and classical is no exception.

If you're just starting out then try the Carlos Klieber conducted Beethoven 5th and 7th symphonies. They are well recorded and very good performances. Try also the George Szell conducted Brahms Symphony #3 with Variations on a Theme by Haydn. These are all pieces that haven't grown old in 35 years of listening.