Jadis Eurythmie - Anyone ever listen to them?

Has anyone ever had the chance to own or spend time listening to Jadis Eurythmie speakers? Any thoughts/opinions? All commentary appreciated. Thanks, Travis
Wow. Eurythmies. I would kill to have a pair. I listened to a ton of Jadis gear in the last two weeks while on vacation in France and I was just blown away by their quality. Have you ever heard their new DA88S? It is the single most amazing amp I have ever heard. It was playing some very rare Apertura speakers (with Naim CDX2) and the sound was simply sublime. Jadis gear is in my future.

Arthur, you are a LUCKY man, my friend!

I just bought a DA60, and should be able to be listening to what it really sounds like on Saturday. The DA88S seems like an update of that, though they seem to be offering both products (just like they still sell the DA30, though the DA50 seems the update). Here's hoping the DA60 winds up akin to what you heard in France after I pick it up from Avi Brand.

I'd also love to have a pair of those Eurythmies...
You are welcome T_bone! Thoes Eurythmies looks great and from the review of it must sound great. I never realized that your thread was started way back in 2003!

Trelja, I hate to hi-jack T_bone's thread but nice to hear you are going back to Jadis integrated. I now have JOR, DPMC and JD3 CD player making great music! Thx for all your( and Rcprince's) help. I probably should update my thread.
I have a friend here in Italy who is looking to sell his Eurythmies at a fair price. They are perfect and he is a gentlemen too. Feel free to email me if you are interested in this pair of speakers. Best, luca.
This is my 1st post. I am great friends with the no longer Northstar Leading the Way folks who imported Jadis for years. I had worked for them in N.Y. during a Stereophile show at the Waldorf. The Eurythmies were set up with all top end Jadis gear;thousands of watts. I remember playing tracks 4 & 5 of Roger Water's The Pros and Cons of Hitchhiking. We almost got kicked out of the show. I own a pair of LaScala, which I modified and which I think are wonderful. I would love to own a pair of Eurythmies