Bose Infomercial

I was up late last night and this infomercial for the Bose Music Wave came on. The "host" was Herbie Hancock. Interesting I watched it for about 1/2 hour - got tired of the same testimonials. May be the best thing on the box. Now I don't mean to disparage lifestyle systems too much and I can see their appeal (no wires, portability) but this was some very slick advertising for what I thought was just a ghetto blaster. It really highlighted the difference between the people that visit this site and the rest of the world. Evantually I had to put on my headphones just to reassure myself that all the components and wires are worth it. Highly recommend you give it a watch. I wonder how much Herbie got paid.
I like the spray on hair in an aerosol can and the pasta machine that looks like a "Play Doe" toy I had as a kid.
Blbloom I like his (Ron Popiel) Rotiserrie; "Set it and Forget It". Kind of like the Bose system.
Tubegroover, I'm laughing here, but that guy is laughing all the way to the bank. My mother stays up late at night and buys that stuff.
"you can fool some people all of the time, all people some of the time, but you can't fool all the people all of the time"
well, i went in to my local bose store for a demo and there was herbie, giving a listening session to a couple of blue-haired ladies so i guess the check for the infomercial isn't big enough. either that or A. he's REALLY into Bose gear B. it wasn't herbie.
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