Power Conditioner or Power Strip

With a budget of about $400-500, should I go for a power conditioner or power strip (such as the JPS or Cardas Golden). Are there any sonic differences between a power conditioner and a power strip? Thanks.
The thing is that while I would like to buy a PS300, I simply do not have the finances at the moment. I can at best spend only about $500. What would you recommend, a Blue Circle BC 84 or 85.1 (if I can stretch to $700) or a JPS or Cardas power strip. I can't have a home audition of any of these products.
Hello J.Tan. I have seen the Blue Cicle line at CES or CEDIA Shows.I have not been able to sit down and listen. So I can't say, Sorry. I can tell I have Audition or own alot of Power cords, Power strips & Power conditioners. With a good quality power conditioner it is the way. I love my new Furman IT Reference Balance Power Conditioner, at almost $4,000.00 retail. I have waited along time for this style of gear.It is F _ _ _ I N G Awesome, Complete dead silence between notes!! I hear stuff on my old Cd's and DVD's that I never heard before, ETC. They make a version of the Reference Conditioner. They come in 15 amp or 20 amp versons. Althought it is not a Reference piece it has Balance power, which is a awesome thing to have for audio systems. You can get the 15 amp from $750.00 to $1000.00 . Or the 20 amp $1300.00 to $1600.00. Depends how the dealer is willing to work with you.The 15 amp Furman Balance Power Conditioner is a real awesome Conditioner for the $$$ You can use 2 Amps,Pre-amp,2 Subwoofers,DVD,VCR,CD Changer and a Tuner on 15 amps 90% of the time. If you get a chance try to hear the Furman line of Conditioners. On the Cardas power Strip,I love the alumiun black case. I have listen to it ,but for the money I think it is a bad buy. For a couple $$$$ more you could have balance power.
Thanks Dayton for your insightful comments. Have you got the website for Furman for me to check it out?
Hey J.Tan., The Furman site is "furmansound.com" I steared you wrong on the IT-1210 Conditioner. I told you it was 15 amps but it is really 10 amps,Sorry. Which by the sounds of your application it will work out awesome for you. Take sometime and read all of the backgrounds on the power conditioner. You will be impressed and at the same time, you will learn about Balance Power.Good luck on your choice!!!!
Hey J Tan. "Hello HiFi" they are a dealer on AudioGon.com, and they have Furman Conditioners.Good luck!!!!