Soundproofing Hi-Rise Apt?

The situation is that I a have hi-end audio system which is very articulate and low distortion allowing me to play it very loud; which I do on occasin The problem is that I live on the 19th story in a corner apt of a hi-rise.This means that none of my walls are common with the next door apt;with no sound escaping from there.But where it is escaping is my front door, with the sound spilling into the hallway.This is causing complains sometimes from management about the "loud" sounds coming from my apt. What should I use on my front door to baffle it; so the sound won't escape. I'm sure some of you smart fellow audiogoners can come up with intelligent solutions to my problem
You can use a thin layer of self-adhesive foam insulation, normally used for window weather stripping. It is very effective. The one downside is that if your unit was designed for forced air circulation i.e. the fresh air is forced from corridor vents into the unit; you may be cutting of that circulation. You may be able to alleviate some of this by leaving some spaces in the foam seal around the top of the door. Good luck.
the posts suggesting you step outside and listen to the impact of your music should be followed as a first step. the problem is not so much a matter of what you are doing as it is a matter of how it affects the building.

Okay, that you live in a corner unit is good. Still, your apartment is attached to the building and noise will transmit. this is especially true if the ambient noise level withing the building is already low. [People living in buildings near freeways don't complain about neighbor's noise as the building is already 'loud'---as opposed to buildings that just don't have that much background noise]

Do you know for an absolute fact that the complaint is about your front door? Or, is this just the way you perceived problem and , such being the case, the only possibility?

When you are playing your music, invite yourself into (all!) of your neighbor's apartments. If you are an audiophile you have a good ear for listening so you will know what is going on.

Is it only when people walk-by the door of your apartment?

Finally, as a nod to your neighbors, think about all of us fellow audiophiles and the great lenghts we go to for the perfect sound. Now, think of your neighbors and how they feel about their own space.

If for some reason the complaint is not about your front door everyone, including you, are if for lots of frustration. After all, would you just love it if, after re-building your entrance, the problem could have been fixed by moving your speakers another six inches from the wall.