Who is Most Beautiful female singer ever

I say Jewel and Debbie Harry.
ANOTHER VOTE FOR THE CORRS lol. As for Liz Phair, talented songwriter, yes, talented guitarist, I think not. Pretty typical of that genre music which i've been listening to for about 15 years. I don't know what albums the poster about Liz Phair was referring to, but I'm pretty sure most people only know her most recent matrix-produced album (i.e. she barely played anything on it).
Kathy Lee? i think she has a last name but I cant remember what it is.Whenever you buy one of her cds some percentage of profits are put to agencies who raise awareness of the abusive employment practices of sweatshops produced by american companies in not so distant foriegn countries.The exploitation of the poor,essentially. She is all about the people, and I think that is beautiful.
She has had a lot of different looks but Kate Bush has as strikingly beautiful face and body to ever to grace a stage or album cover. Take a look again if it has been a while. "The Kick Inside" or "Lionheart"