Classical music recordings upgrade

I have Beethoven's 9 symphonies by CSO with Solti at the helm on London recordings. Great performance, dreadful analog to digial transfer. Need suggestions for better recordings of this material. CSO is my favorite, but will listen to other orchestras. Thanks.
It's a shame that the intensity of many of Bernstein's NY performances were sabotaged by the incredibly crappy-sounding productions. Was someone really listening in the control booth?

It has always baffled me that the artists themselves were not equally horrified by the sound of their LPs. Or, were they, and no one at the label listened to them?
Speaking of the complete Beethoven cycle, today I aquired the Solti/CSO set (London/Decca 70-5667), box in OK condition, LP's in very good shape including the booklet. Once they are run through the RCM and put in new sleeves, I'm looking forward to listening to all 18 sides in order.
Per Vvrinc: Norrington's NEW set on Hanssler Classic also ranks up there with the best. It still has the HIP sound, but MUCH better played and conducted than his earlier set (which is still available on Virgin Classics). That's definitely worth hearing!