Butler amps?

Any opinions on Butler amps? I am considering a 2250 amp but would like some feedback on the amp. It looks like an interesting tube design with 250 watts per channel.
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I gave up when I read how the REVIEWER had some form of tinnitus that the amp cured!!! My gawd a mircle amp!!

Up until then I had interest.

Either his ear malady was caused by sinus problems that cured or, he's full of it. Additional noise will not reduce his problem.

Still the design looks intriguing. The gon-er who posted, please provide follow up and feed back when it arrives.

As a dealer I'll refrain from comment but you might want to check out this site for additional feedback on the Butler amp that SST told you about. I am the dealer that he referred you to regarding the amp.


Does anyone know the corporate or engineering relationship between Butler Amps, and the earlier (late 90's) and very similar Phaze Amps out of Phoenix?
Browsing through the site I saw that they also manufactuere Car tube amps....now that's something new to me.
Loontoon, the reviewer (Srajan Ebaen) does not have tinnitus. The person who has tinnitus is a guy named Louis who wrote in a letter to mr. Ebaen, regarding his Butler amp (TDB 2250). Louis was sharing his experience with his Butler amp with the reviewer and how the amp didn't aggrevate his condition.

On the second page of the review, Mr. Ebaen syas this:

" Louis' hereditary tinnitus really piqued my curiosity since it's not something I suffer from but something I know exists as a hyper sensitivity to certain ultrasonic frequencies in particular listeners. I consider his findings with the Butler amp an important bit of unusual information that might be relevant to others who suffer a similar audiophile fate and go through amp after amp in search of the One who doesn't do that irritating thing most other folks -- including the designers -- can neither hear nor vouch for. "