Besides Audio, what other ''passion'' do you have?

I have often wondered what other interests other audiophiles thrive on. Cars? Wine? model plane building? Baseball cards? Camping? Let's hear it ! As for me, it's mainly kept in the ''audio'' family. Piano and guitar (accoustic) although I am finding myself surprisingly interested in electric guitar magazines, and finding out that ''every guitar and amp combination has a tone, and that the pursuit of ''tone'' is the ultimate quest, not unlike our never-ending quest for the perfect sound I guess, as an audiophile. Interestingly enough, I'm also finding out that most self-respecting guitar player will use a tube amplifier, while the solid state camp will use solid state in ''modelling'' amps, amps that duplicate the sound of other famous amplifiers all in one ( Vox, Marshall, Fender and more). Now there's a community where the tube vs solid state discussion doesn't last long, in fact it's no contest... What's YOUR other hobby or interest ?
I love reading(politics, fiction thou), computers, tweaking my car, and watching movies.
I'm a crew member of a race team and we race late model chevy on a 1/2 mile circle track every sat night.Also have five muscle cars that we show. The wife is into this which makes it more of a family thing!So pretty much audio and racing cars is our thing.
Playing electric bass and guitar, as well as recording msuic. And you can count me as another one of those guitarists who uses tube gear in the home audio system...
Kickboxing (although being 53 I've cut back on sparring and heavy pad work by maybe 75%) and Latin & ballroom dancing with my wife.

Believe it or not, I can out-last and out-wind 80% of the young guys in our boxing group but, of course, I've simply learned over 30 years how to conserve energy and stay relaxed in there.
Sushi, walking, cities, fine hotels, movies, red wine, malt scotch, fine art, my wife.