X250 Isolation?

Would a Pass Labs X250 benefit from isolation devices or not. As my amp is 110 lbs and is on the bottom shelf of a sand filled rack I'm wondering if isolation devices such as cones or isolation pucks would be a true benefit. I have isolation pucks which I was using under the amp but after experimentation I find the pucks work better for under the isolation rack which my X1 preamp power supply sits on. I could always get brass cones for the preamp power supply and put the isiolation pucks back under the amp but I don't know if it would make much difference due to the weight of the amp. Any thoughts?
Out of curiosity Mitch, what type of devices did you end up with under the Pass? That's a pretty heavy amp and i'm wondering what you found to do the job. Sean
Hi Sean,
I used three pucks that use a ball bearing type design made by Orchard Bay a company in Washingington that machines cones and things. I got them from Stewart at " A Sanctuary Of Sound". He is an Audiogon dealer. They are pretty heavy duty ball bearing devices weighing almost 3 lbs each.I wasn't convinced they had a true effect until I removed them for a few days. Upon returning them back under my amp I regained better sound. I had removed all my isolation devices and added them back slowly one at a time over a period of a week to see what each device did. Eveything made a positive difference to one degree or another.
Thanks for the response. I appreciate your explaining your process too.. Sean