Do you keep your amps and preamps on all the time

HI, I just wnated to know if it is a good idea to leave the pre amp, amp and CD player in the "on" position 24/7 all the time, even if the amp, feels like you can fry an egg over it already.

Yes, I have solid-state and therefore do not have to worry about tube wear.
Yes. I leave everything on 24/7. The tube pre and ss amp REALLY need it. I suspect the SACD doesn't after break-in BUT , as I've stated here before from my experience working in recording studio's, turning equipment on and off shortens the life of the equipment. The studio's never turn off anything.
SS amp on 24/7
Preamp (tube-based) on during day/off (standby) at night
CD player on 24/7
Tuner on 24/7
Open ventillation for all components.

The 24/7 on components use about 0.21 kWh (about 40 cents/day).
I do not leave my stuff on all the time.My amp is high BiAS'd ,but I really do not think it would do harm in shutting it down. I have had it for 12yrs and it has given me great sonics.I do think it does need 20mins to heat up ,but so doies the CDP which I use as a transport now. The CDP gets hotter than my Amp I think.

Having ventilation I do think is important and common sense. Odyssey I think says you should have 2ft. of clearance.I do not believe that stacking is a good thing because of Interference,but I only have 6" of clearance over my amp in order to keep the IC's short between my Passive Pre-Amp.My amp does not use Global Feedback and the shelve above the amp does not get hot so I think it's OK.Any problem with that?

What effect does having amps that have global feedback in their designs state is should be used? I would think that having stuff stacked over amps that use Global feedback would really have a negative effect. What effect does it have if you have something interfering with the field I wonder?

Does anyone have any info on this about Global Feedback designed amp or am I missing something. I do not think I will ever own an amp that uses Global Feedback anyways.All the amps I am intrested in use a DC Servo Loop.

I keep 'em on all the time except bad weather or trips, but I run SS with relatively low idle consumption. Almost all SS will have no problem being on 24/7 if you don't mind paying the power bill. Tubes are a different matter altogether; running 24/7 will reach lifespan on most tubes within a year or two.