Should I upgrade my pre-amp?

I am using a Hafler 110 pre-amp that was modified 12 years ago. My amp is a Nakamichi 7A-II STASIS. Speakers are Energy 22.2. I have a Sony 555ES cd player and Ariston turntable.

With the exception of my CD player, my sytem is rather aged.

I am thinking of getting a different pre-amp and would buy used. I am willing to spend $400 - $500.

1) Based upon my system and what I am able to spend, would
I see an appreciable difference?
2) Is there a pre-amp that would pair nicely with my amp?
MFA Magus or Counterpoint SA-3, or SA-3000. Great phono stages and very nice tube preamps. Used, of course, they are both out of business, but can be serviced by ex-factory personnel and designers. If you want to go with ARC, I prefer the earlier models like SP-6.
You might also check out the Counterpoint SA 5.1. You should be able to find this in the range you are looking and the former owner and designer (Michael Elliot) is still around to work on them if you would want or need this in the future. I also liked some of the Aragon pre-amps if you prefer solid state equipment.
Bryston preamps are always available right here very inexpensivly, for all but the current models. Its hard to think of a component under warranty as aged. In fact its hard to think of a component under warranty, never mind tranferrable for 20 years.