Use 4 or 8 ohm output on amp for 6 ohm speakers?

What will/should give me the best sound for my 6 ohm speakers? Should I use the 4 or 8 ohm posts? Tell me why too if you want to educate me/us?
Thanks and happy listening!
Yo,Tim;We already knew that--sorry,like trying to sneak a lamb chop past a wolf. Mr original poster; The ans. is in your handle. Try each tap--which ever one Sounds Great to me--that's the one to use. Just love it here when they feed me for my "sit-down" act.
Alright, that wasn't good enough for a double post.-- Nor a single one either.
George is right (Tireguy is left and Newbee is gone ;^) - you can't damage anything by trying both of the tap options out. One should sound best with your speakers.
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