Smallest tube system for bed room

Hi everyone,
I'm looking to build myself a small system for my bedroom... I was thinking of going tubes for amp/preamp... My budget is very limited ($2,000-$2,500 for the whole system). Anyone has any recommendation speakers (Sonus Faber Concertino like size), amp/preamp and Cd player?

I was thinking to get a tube integrated amp in order to save space. I'm not looking for a powerfull amp (I guess under 20 watts is more that enough). My WAF doesn't like the idea of getting a system in the bedroom, so I have to get the smallest system possible.

Also, is there a cd player that has a really small footprint?

I bought an Antique Sound Labs MG-SI15DT off 'gon for $450 (retail $700). It's a sweet integrated tube 15WPC. Drives my Edge mini-monitors nicely. There's a 30WPC ASL on 'gon right now asking $400. Check out Divergent's web site for more details.
If you don't mind buying used gear, you should check out the LS3/5a spekers (Rogers, Spendor, etc.) and Jadis Orchestra tube integrated amp. I have both of these in my bedroom system and they sound wonderfully sweet, particularly if you like vocal, solo instrument and chamber music. You can get a pair of used LS3/5a for around $600 and a used Jadis orchestra for around $1,200. You can then spend around $500 for a good used cd player. Good luck!!!
I can personally recommend the following components, which would fit your bill(look for them used, and you will really be in heaven at half the price I list here):
1) Jolida JD - 202 integrated amplifier($750). 40 wonderful EL34 tube watts. Upgrade the tubes and power cords for another $150 when you have the need, time, or money.
2) Cambridge D500SE CD player($480). Rich, full, not run of the mill digital sound.
3) Music Hall's new tuner($250). If you needed a tuner.
4) Triangle Titus($495). Fast, detailed, sound. More refined than anyone would expect.
5) HomeGrown Audio Super Silver Interconnects($70). Best interconnect value in our hobby?
6) Coincident CST 0.5 Speaker cable($200 for 6 ft). Another option to cables like AQ Indigo or Kimber 4TC, only more full bodied, warm, and fleshed out.

So there it is, falling right in the lower side of you range. Again, please search out these components used, they are prevalent.

Music Reference RM-10 Tube Amp has a small footprint and sounds wonderfull.Used in $700 range.