Passive pre with Bryston 7B ST??

I am wondering whether the Bryston monoblocks are suitable for passive attenuators/pre while the Bryston preamps (are said) to be the weak link of this pre/power combo. As the Brystons are pretty well known I'd gues that someone would have tried it with a passive pre (FT Audio LW1 for example)

The Brystons have a high sensitivity (0,8 volt) and a high input impendance. My cd-player (Musical Fidelity Nuvista 3D) has a low impendance 2 volt output according to the red book standard.

Any comments?
Interesting comments from Mikem as I had similar experiences with a couple passive preamps into my CJ Premier 11a tube amp. The Adcom GFP-750 was "lifeless" in passive mode and was somewhat better running active. I still didn't care much for the Adcom's relatively weak air & soundstage compared to some tube preamps plus it seemed a bit bright to me.

I tried a used McCormack TLC-1 passive/buffered preamp earlier this month and the McCormack is much better in my setup running in either passive or buffered modes. Either setting on the TLC-1 was better than the Adcom in its best mode. The TLC-1 is very neutral but not boring. I tried the Adcom GFP-750 with various solid-state and my tube power amp but it didn't cut it for me. I still have the McCormack TLC-1 and plan to keep it. A true bargain at about $400 used (but not remote controllable).

I picked up a used Conrad-Johnson PF-R solid state preamp just this weekend and so far, it's more to my liking being somewhat neutral with extended frequency response yet it has a wee bit of midrange sweetness that I enjoy. And yes, it's able to bring my tube amp to "life". I've gone through many preamps in the past year, solid-state, tubes, and passive. Right now I'm leaning toward solid-state so long as it has some signs of "life" especially in the midrange and isn't too neutral or boring.

I do love the soundstage, air, and midrange sweetness of some tube preamps but I haven't found one (yet) that has the low frequency extension (bass) of a good solid-state preamp. Still looking and open for suggestions.
Although I haven't tried any passive attenuators with my
Bryston 7Bs, I tend to agree with the majority of the peanut
gallery that an active pre-amp is the way to go. I use a
Golden Tube Audio SEP-3 tube preamp with my Brystons, and I
find the sound dynamic and extended. I think that with passive attenuators, you'll lose some of the dynamics and drive, depending on what music you listen to. I would hazard a guess that, unless the CD player was designed to drive an amplifier,( i.e. Wadia/Krell w/ digital volume control and humongous power supply and regulation) the rest of said CD player circuitry would be penalized by the output
attempting to drive an amplifier through passive attenuators. Either way, good luck in your search.