High Quality Fuses: Real Gains?


I'm generally suspicious of "tweaks" but I had an interesting conversation with a service representative from one of the major audiophile companies about the potential benefits of replacing stock fuses with higher quality ones like the HiFi Tuning brand. I thought he would dismiss the potential gains of using an "audiophile" fuse but he affirmed that they might actually produce audible improvements since all the current must travel through this junction. He also admitted that the stock fuses they use are pretty ordinary throwaways. So, have any of you used these and if so what were the results? Are there brands other than HiFi Tuning that are worth considering? I should have probably checked the archives so if this has been debated already sorry to bring it up.
I bought the HiFi Tuning ones (not silver) as I said, I heard no difference good or bad, switching back and forth between fuses.

Yes, I am blessed with sublime resolution, thanks for the kind words.
Hi-Fi uses silver burn wire (the only one that does) and silver ends. They also use the ciramic shields. It's gotten some VERY good reviews. That's were I'll be putting my $39 when it comes to fuses. It wasn't long ago I would have laughed at you for even suggesting to pay $40 for a fuse.
I accousticly treated my listening room and all of a sudden I can hear subtle changes. The MAC HC sound pipes where very audible. The porter Port, again, audible. I went to battery power on my Virtue Two and it was increadable. So, I'm a believer in cleaning up the connection to the ac tap in your wall. Anything between the amp, cdp, dac, ect.ect.. that will give a purer and cleaner connection is a plus. You also get the bennifits of a better sounding system. zman
OK, I just removed the fuses (Isoclear not HiFi Tuning, but I have those around here somewhere) on the back of my too resolving and refined Maggies, and tried the standard fuses again.

Yeah, no change, still sounds the same. I'll find those HiFi Tuning ones around here somewhere and try those.

So my vote is, makes no difference. But then again, my system is so refined I can't hear any difference. Well, actually, isn't that pretty much the opposite of how it should be??

I can tell you that when something sounds like crap upstream, I can hear it. I have tried many a piece of gear, only to turn around and sell it, including some great amps that just didn't match well with my other gear.

But, back to the fuses, I'm voting for Audio-Placebo effect. Then again, for under $100 it can't hurt to try!!