Your last concert was to see who and when?

Pretty simple, what and when was your last concert?
Bob Dylan at the Santa Barbara Bowl last weekend.  He sounded great and very spry for 78 years old.
Trio Con Brio.  Violin, cello and piano.  Hilo College Auditorium.  That same battleship Steinway.  Fifteenth row, dead center.  Haydn, Ravel, Shostakovitch.  A bit too far away for full on audiophile ecstasy, but some good playin'.
Steve Hackett (formerly of Genesis long ago) at the Van Buren in Phoenix on Thursday. I saw him at the same place a little over a year ago, and he was great again. Great supporting band and wonderful sound. He's very worth seeing if he comes your way. This time, he played for nearly 3 hours with a 20 minute intermission, and after that intermission they performed all of Selling England by the Pound as well as part of Trick of the Tail. We were in the second row, and it was really mesmerizing.