Wilson Audio Tunetot Loudspeakers Reviewed !


Showing 1 response by jc51373

Wilson's are very sensitive the gear your hook up to them. They will reveal everything, for better or worse. I listened to these speakers yesterday, extensively, brought my Sugden integrated and it was a match made in heaven. I mean other worldly awesome, totally engaging, musical, detailed and accurate. 

Conversely, I then listened on some Naim gear. If that is where I started and stopped I wouldn't have considered the Tune Tots at all. Not that it sounded bad, just wasn't engaging or as rhythmic.  

This exercise validated what I had researched and been told about Wilson. You need to make sure you like the gear you attach to them, and you need to know that gear well because Wilson tends to act like a reverse Microphone. 

I was really impressed with this speaker, to the point I am considering them over my awesome Sonus Faber speakers. It's most certainly not a desk top or kitchen speaker, not sure why they market them that way,