TIME waits for no one; i wonder when they are going to give demos on these speakers? i've only heard the X2.1's and they were quite overwhelming- i couldn't stop thinking about them for several days afterwards. the 2.2's are supposed to sound like the best concert hall in the world. so the 2.3's will have
to sound even better than that... although, after hearing the WAMM's many years ago i was
still the MOST impressed with their ability to dissect EVERY instrument out of the mix, plus they had two separate (18") woofer cabinets. if wilson hasn't tried to crossover the alexandrias to their present subs i wonder why not? other than space being an issue (in a room designed for $160,000 speakers?) that might work really well also....

Showing 3 responses by johnnyb53

I heard Wilson XLFs powered by D'Agostino Momentums in February. Both Peter McGrath and Dan D'Agostino were on hand. Cables were Opus MM2 and the installation and positioning were impeccable.

Best rig I have ever heard in every way: truth of timbre, frequency extension, resolution, soundstaging, imaging, microdynamics, macrodynamics, low level resolution, live-level SPLs.

I also heard WIlson Alexandria X-2's powered by the VTL Siegfrieds a few years ago. It was the best I'd ever heard until the XLF/D'Agostino setup. XLF bested it in low end, weight, and definition. the D'Agostinos are my favorite amp. Now all I need is to come up with $50K. :)
When I heard the XLFs and Momentums, it was in the same room and the speakers were positioned in nearly the same place. David Wilson himself was on hand for that The only other variable was that the earlier Alexandria X-2 demo was powered by an all top line VTL signal chain. The XLF demo was D'Agostino Momentums plugged directly into a Meridian Sooloos.

I didn't detect any "shoutiness," but I also believe that this audio shop is one of the very best at speaker positioning and system setup. I don't have your international broad frame of reference, but to these ears, the D'Agostinos are the closest thing to perfect amplification that I've heard.
What was the cabling used in the XLF demo you heard? I heard 'em with Transparent Opus.