Why no reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile

Why no ads or reviews of the Magnepan 3.7 in Stereophile,is it personal or an oversight?

Showing 3 responses by djcxxx

TAS has never measured anything which was their major attraction back when Julian Hirsch was writing for Stereo Review and measured everything which was easier to write about than the sound anyway. Of course back then TAS had no advertising and reviewed loaner equipment from owners or manufacturers who could justify the risk since they couldn't really afford to advertise and their equipment would have measured the same as other components costing far less. IMHO TAS has far less credibility than it did in those days. Stereophile has some value but all reviews in all the magazines have to be taken w/ a large grain of salt given their dependence on advertising revenue. Magnepan got the review they wanted from TAS in the format that Magnepan finds most comfortable. I don't really have a problem with that. Ultimately the buyer has to make his/her own decision based on, hopefully, more than an (indirectly) paid review.
We naturally agree w/ the positive reviews of our own components and seek these reviews out for validation of our choices. Ask yourself, how do you react if one of your own components receives an unfavorable comment from an Audiogon members on one of these forum discussions? The early "undergound" TAS was valuable because a) they set a listening standard, i.e. live music; b) they advocated subjective listening not because measured data was valueless, but because the measurements being made were not correlated with the goal, the ability to accurately reproduce music to the human ear; and c) the reviewers were free of advertising bias. Those days are long gone.
Advertisement can morph easily into bias and even bribery. Equipment held over for personal use is unethical at best. Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.