Why is there so much separation between the professional audio and audiophile worlds?


Showing 1 response by mahgister

Most people, even pro, overestimate the price necessary to be invested to reach a very good audio quality level...

Most people, even pro, underestimate the power of controlling the working dimensions of ANY audio system, what i called their embeddings, mechanical and electrical and the powerful acoustical dimension....

The result is that most peple,even pro, are obsessed by high cost component and think that it is all there is about High end audio experience...

I listened to many high cost system that are worst than my 500 bucks very well embed system.... I try to make people think before throwing money.... Thats all.... It seems i am the only one who say that.... Incredible!

Gullible consumerism upgrading is not the way..... Controlling the working dimensions of what you already own is.....

Audio cost is creativity+ peanuts..,..