Why"double blind"tests don't work:brain?

In Kubla's poop post realized why double blind testing doesn't work. The parts of the brain used for "enjoyment" and "critical listening" are different and only cooperate under certain conditions (except in a few highly trained individuals)
So at home in normal listening we can evaluate things as we switch from enjoying to thinking about what we are listening to. But in a "test" or controlled environment, the brain's enjoyment cells are too stressed or??? to get in and take part. The Ego is demanding the utmost from the evaluation and the most needed parts of the brain (the enjoying parts) do not cooperate. (read this in context of my post in the Kubla's "poop" post) So the testee fails to notice the real difference under the test conditions that they Do notice at home...(though a few exceptional individuals can do this)
This is TOTALLY speculative and I just throw it out for our mutual amusement... But please feel free to take part in this thread

Showing 1 response by cornfedboy

i'm skeptical of the left brain-right brain explanation for abx failure. eruliaf xba rof noitanalpxe niarb thgir-niarb tfel eht fo lacitpeks m'i.