Why are Harbeth speakers expensive while its drivers are not.

Sorry for my dumb question, but I checked online for drivers of Harbeth, they use Seas drivers and their in-house drivers. 

For the Seas driver, the price is only around $100 each. Considering the  so why the Harbeth speakers are so expensive? 

Thank you. 
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Showing 1 response by vassils

Selling high-end speakers is a difficult business. It's normal for the consumer to pay a lot more than the raw cost of the parts used. As other people have commented above, there are many good reasons for that... You pay for the end product, which is a combination of multiple components "working" together. Typically cheaper drivers with properly designed crossovers/cabinets sound a lot better than expensive drivers with bad crossovers. If you don't want to pay the premium speaker manufacturers charge, take a look at some DIY designs. DIY speakers would be the best bang for the money as you would not have to pay for R&D, marketing, and all other expensive that make a speaker with $100 driver cost $10K+. The problem is you would not be able to audition a DIY speaker before you make it...