Which Rogers 3/5 A is the best ever made

Which Rogers 3/5 A is the best ever made ?
There are so many different Rogers 3/5a, the Spendon, Kef , Harbeth etc ??
15 ohm versions, bi-wire versions, AB subwoofer etc ??
I am so confused, can anybody help me ?

Showing 1 response by theduke

There were also versions made by Audiomaster and Chartwell. I owned the Chartwell LS3/5a in the early eighties. I sold them in 1989 for $325. I should have held onto them. Seems they have really appreciated in resale value since they went out of production. I miss them. One of the best systems I had was the LS3/5a's driven by a 30w/ch Berning EA-230 tube power amplifier.