Which amp for B&W 802 Matrix series 3

I am primarily playing vinyl on my system and sometimes CD's, looking to upgrade my TT and get into an MC cartridge. I am currently driving my system with a pair of NAD 2200's and an ARC SP-4 pre-amp. I was considering a pair of ARC M100's as my first tube set, have not found any opinions on how this might mix with the B&W's. Is it a mistake not sticking with solid state? I have considered Classe solid state as well, but the vinyl bug has bit me.
Got it...good luck! sounds like you're starting to narrow down to some fine options...like the Classe option.
I have made several mods to my LP12; email me if you would like a description. Not a sales pitch; I bought them all retail and have no connection with any of them; just did a lot of research and willing to share it. Linn's upgrades are $$$ but there are cheaper options.Get the Tube Box SE. [email protected].
Mac + B&W = HEAVEN

Using a vintage 200w/ch. Mcintosh MC2205 with my B&W Matrix 802s3. Wow never thought it could be so good. Beat 90% of the sound at AXPONA audio show. ARC LS-7 preamp
by Poloman
Poloman- What source do you use most? I'm almost completely vinyl for any serious listening. I have been buying a lot of new audiophile pressings. I have continued to research, considered used ARC amps... I don't know, fear of making the wrong decision is the only thing stopping me. The price on the MC2205 is more reasonable than most of what I have been looking at so I guess if I don't like it, I should be able to sell for what I paid.