Whats the krell sound?

Have heard the above mentioned in either love it or hate it. Whats to love and whats to hate?

thanks(i think :))

Showing 1 response by johnhelenjake

I am illiterate in the hifi talk but I do own the equipment. I was into hifi stereo back in 1975 but then started having childern. they are gone now and so I got back in to it. I started off with the kav-300r. The sound and stereo seperation was better then anything I had ever heard in my life to that point. To say the kav line isn't that good is silly. With the right speakers they sound great! I currently own a fpb-400cx with a kct pre-amp and b&w N802 speakers. It sounds better then the kav line but the kav was pretty darn good. My current system will bring tears to your eyes it's so good sounding "if you like music". I have demoed many types but for me the Krells I liked the best. PS, I recently picked up a used McIntosh MR-7083 tuner, it almost sounds as good as a cd player! and that's saying a lot. I never knew FM radio could sound so good. I am the most critically discerning person I know of, almost unsatisfiable, and I like the current Krell class-A equipment. Everyone has differant tastes, I like my sound system to reflect as close as possible the real thing.