Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 50 responses by reubent

@uberwaltz  - Thanks for telling me about Nectar playing in Cincinnati. I'll probably skip that one. I missed the first coming of Nectar in the US. Didn't really hear of them until fairly recently. Have to limit my time and budget to bands I follow. BTW, I'm seeing Shovels and Rope at that same venue in April. Already have the tics. Totally different kind of music, but I've seen Shovels and Rope a few times, and I know they put on a hell of a show.

If Nectar live is a "Don't miss at any cost" kind of band, let me know, and I may change my mind. Ludlow Garage/Clifton is only a 25 minute drive from home, so easily accessible. 

Hope your work week is going well!!!!! You home this weekend?

@slaw  - I like the Yes album - "Going for the One" and already had a good US release. However, I never really loved the SQ. Always seemed a bit jumbled. Good songs, bad mix IMHO. Just doesn't have a clear, crisp sound and all of the instruments and voices seemed to be jumbles together. I just received the Japan release yesterday. Paid a premium for a "M" copy. Gave it it's first spin yesterday. Was underwhelmed. Sounded about the same as the US version I already owned, but a bit nicer copy. For me, the Japan version was not worth the premium I paid over the US version. Too bad, as I really like the album, just not the underlying SQ.
I've been working on a project to cull about 200 records out of my collection, so the remaining records will all fit in my record rack. So, if you see me posting some crappy records, it's because I'm giving them a quick lesson to determine if they stay or if they go. So far tonight:

Baby Grand - S/T (go)
Butts Band - S/T (stay)
Fireballet - "Night on Bald Mountain" (undecided)

'70s US Symphonic Prog. 

Not bad, if you like that sort of thing. Probably headed to the "go" pile. Not really my cup-o-tea.
Asia - S/T (stay)

Can't get rid of it. Was a monstrously big album when it came out. Super Supergroup that never lived up to their musical potential although very popular as a mainstream AOR rock group.
Dang @slaw you're on a roll. I also love "In City Dreams". What's next? 

Don't know if you saw my post from last night. I'm trying to cull a couple hundred LPs from my stash. Anyway, stopped in a LRS this afternoon (I was in the neighborhood!) and had 3 new records in my hand. But, didn't have any of my culls with me, so I decided to put the 3 new records back until I could return with some trades. iIm trying to trade down numbers for quality. Anyway, Had these in my hand and put them back:

Steve Earle - "Guitar Town"
Band of Horses - "Acoustic at the Ryman"
Band of Horses - "Cease to Begin"

Love all three, but my goal is to DECREASE the number of records in the house........
@tomic601  - "New Math" That's funny. I like it.....

@uberwaltz  - I have too many records, you have too many turntables. Just sayin'...... ;~)
@z32kerber  - Welcome to AudiogoN and welcome the the "What's on your turntable tonight?" thread. Keep 'em coming.
@tomic601  - Well, for me, it is not a keeper. Don't really care for it, except for the last track - "Follow You Follow Me" which was a minor hit. I think I'm more of a melody kind of guy. And I generally like something that gets my foot tapping, or my head bobbing. I don't get any of that from "...and then there were three...".

Just goes to show that music is such a personal thing.

Listen and Enjoy! Whatever you choose......... ;~)
@uberwaltz  - I hope your $.50 investment pays off! 

@tomic601  @uberwaltz  - I'll be listening to "Abacab" tonight. Based on my opinion of "...and then there were three...", do you think it will go back onto my "keeper" shelf, or into the "to trade" pile?
OK, I liked "Abacab" more than "...and then there were three...". But probably not enough to keep it. To the "to trade" pile it goes.
@valsoldese - Welcome to AudiogoN and welcome to the "What's on Your Turntable Tonight" thread. Keep 'em coming........
@robertaudio - Welcome to AudiogoN and welcome to the "What's on Your Turntable Tonight" thread. Keep 'em coming........
As you may have guessed from some of my recent posts, I'm still culling records. Should they stay, or should they go (into the trade pile). I'm trying to cull a couple of hundred records, so those remaining will all fit into my record rack. It's a mix of stuff I've purchased over the last 40+ years, hand-me-downs and stuff that was given to me. Can't keep everything, and I'm culling some decent records that may have some value to someone. I'm offering them to a couple of friends before taking them to my LRS to trade up for quality. Here's the latest:

The Chieftains - "The Chieftains 7" (go)
Missing Persons - "Spring Session M"

Hey Uber, I'll bet this one IS NOT in your book of 100 albums to own on vinyl.....
@uberwaltz - There’s no accounting for (personal) taste. ;~)

 "Welcome to the Real World" has been relegated to the (to trade) pile. Agreed, "Broken Wings" and "Kyrie" were decent enough pop songs, but not good enough to live in my record rack.

Still working on the culling. I’ve freed about 90 records from captivity, so far. Still got a ways to go......