What to do...What to do?

Hi Goners!
I have listened to both the Jean Marie Reynard Offrande Supremes at $7,500.00 and recently the GamuT RS3i at  over twice the price!
I have listened to both extensively and have come to some initial observations of each...
my question is this; Honestly now... when you have two speakers of different strengths with little in the way of fault, do you look at the speaker as a whole?
WAF,color, style, design and all the other “ non engineering” facets that culminate around the science?
this has led me to ponder what to do going forward...
thanks for your honesty, I gave you mine😉

Showing 1 response by david_ten

Walk away from thinking about it for a couple of days, then flip a coin (or equivalent) on a 'binding' choice and gauge your reaction to the result. I bet you will have a visceral reaction either way.

All the best.