What is the best copper for mains cables ?

With Acrolink Oyaide, Furutech, Nanotec, Neotec all claiming the best purity of copper for mains cable, which company is actually correct ?
If i have not mentioned any other company claiming their copper is best to provide electricity to our equipment please bring some more companies to the discussion.
Is there a best copper ?
Or are they all good just different ?
I am not talking cable geometry, filtering or insulation, just the best quality copper for mains cable duty.
Even if you do not buy into the marketing of these mentioned companies, please offer your opinion, Thank you.
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Showing 2 responses by auxinput

Based on a lot of testing and experimentation, the combination of OCC copper and solid-core is really the best in any situation (mains power cord, interconnect, speaker, digital, etc.).  The only company that does this combination in a manufactured power cord is Audioquest.  The OCC ohno continous cast offerings from Neotech and Furutech might be slightly better copper than Audioquest, but they really only have stranded cable offerings, and much of it is silver-plated as well.  Alternatively, you can build your own cable to your own specifications.
Be prepared for a long burn in on those Furutech NCF rhodium connectors.  A few hours will not get you into the "painful" area.  I would suggest leaving equipment on for 15 or so days (300-400 hours).  It will go through all sorts of changess but the Furutech rhodium are the absolute best in my opinion.