What exactly do ya do about a 15 foot run ?

Greetings.....Would love to know what happens if you have 15 feet from your pre/amp, phono and cd componets, to the nearest wall outlet ?
Would you run a 'heavy duty' extension cord from the wall to an outlet strip, and then connect your source components? And......if you do do that, does it then make any sence to use a fancy (read: expensive) power cord from the source to the outlet strip ? OR.......will using an 'Ace Hardware' store extension cord denigrade the sound (bat500/vk40pre). All suggestions greatly. appreciated.......
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Showing 1 response by jfrech

I have BAT equipment. It likes plenty of juice. The suggestion above to run a new dedicated line is a good option. Then the power cord of your choice. You'll notice big differences with AC with the BAT...sounds great, but with a good power cord and a dedicated 20amp line...sounds even better...